Anxiety and depression can both be debilitating conditions, ranging from mild to
severe. It is estimated that 50% of women have a major depressive episode
accompanied by anxiety at some point in their lives. The good news is that both
anxiety and depression are treatable. Having had over 35 years of experience
working with people suffering from anxiety and depression, I always recommend
counseling prior to going on medication. Once someone starts antidepression
medication, there is a good chance they may be on it for the remainder of their
life. Anxiety medications are extremely addictive. If one chooses to take
antianxiety medication, they will find that they need more and more to achieve a
reduction in anxiety.
Depression and anxiety cause a myriad of symptoms such as insomnia, fear and
hopelessness, anger, excessive worry, obsessive-compulsive disorders, and
suicidal thoughts and feelings. Even serious symptoms can often be treated
through counseling alone. In the attachments below are both the Beck
Depression Inventory and Anxiety Evaluation. If you suspect that you have
symptoms of either anxiety or depression, I recommend that you complete both
self-evaluations and get professional counseling ASAP. You deserve a happy